Conserving Islands of Coherence in Oceans of Uncertainty

Event Type: 
October 1, 2024 - 11:30am to 12:30pm


In a world where the health of the oceans has significant implications for life on land, we will explore the power of corridors and the critical imperative of preserving marine and coastal ecosystems. Environmental philanthropist Beto Bedolphe of the Marisla Foundation will be joined by award-winning marine scientist and author of the Shifting Baseline concept, Daniel Pauly, from Oceana and Marina Psaros, renowned author of The Atlas of Disappearing Places whose perspective of the human dimension of conservation efforts in local communities will add to Beto and Daniel’s insights, reflecting on how communities can be supported in taking charge of their natural resources in culturally relevant ways. This dialogue will reflect on the idea of “Conserving Islands of Coherence in Seas of Uncertainty”, exploring the delicate balance between coastal conservation corridors and community and offer insights into the innovative approaches being pursued to preserve the interconnectedness of human and environmental health in these rich spaces.

From our Blog

Heeten Kalan
Blog posted on January 21, 2013
Heeten Kalan, Senior Program Officer at the New World Foundation and HEFN Steering Committee member, authored this week's blog post. In it, he reflects on the philosophies of Martin Luther King Jr....

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