Cumulative Impacts and Public Health Webinar

Event Type: 
October 1, 2024 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm


Our systems of environmental and public health, safety, and protection – regulations, policies, and practices that include land use, monitoring, permitting, and enforcement – have been dominated and governed by practices that center on one pollutant at a time and individual sources of pollution. This myopic approach has contributed greatly to environmental injustice.

To achieve environmental justice and improve health, it is imperative we transform our regulatory system to acknowledge the myriad of socioeconomic stressors and conditions that synergistically and disproportionately impact overburdened communities.

Presenters: Richard Moore, Co-Coordinator of Los Jardines Institute Co-Chair of White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council Courtney Hanson, Deputy Executive Director People for Community Recovery

Hosts: Elizabeth J Friedman MD, MPH Katherine Catalano, Deputy Director APHA Center for Climate, Health & Equity

From our Blog

Blog posted on August 1, 2014
What do people organizing for environmental justice, advocating for healthier housing and building materials, mapping hotspots of pollution and poverty, or monitoring impacts of oil and gas...

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