State-of-the-Science and the Future of Cumulative Impact Assessment

Event Type: 
October 15, 2024 - 12:00pm to 4:00pm


This virtual workshop will address fundamental concepts and methods pertinent to cumulative impact assessment. Experts from different sectors will explore and discuss key concepts; the combined impacts of the built, natural, and social environments on health outcomes; and available methods and approaches for collecting and integrating quantitative and qualitative data.


The workshop will kick-off with a live keynote presentation. Thereafter, a series of panel discussions will address cross-cutting themes from pre-recorded presentations that will be made available via the event webpage for viewing before the workshop. Each panel will include the invited presenters, who will briefly summarize their pre-recorded presentations; a member of the Community and Tribal Liaison Group; and committee moderators. An opportunity for public comment will be included at the end of the workshop.

The agenda, including the full list of speakers, panelists, and other participants, will be updated on the event webpage.

There will be a public comment period which will begin at approximately 3:30pm ET on October 15. Each commenter must register in advance and will have up to 3 minutes to comment. Preference will be given to comments from one speaker per organization, so that a diversity of opinions may be heard. Registrants are encouraged to use the same name for registration and Zoom log-in, to minimize risk that they are not recognized during the session. Comments on the committee composition, or any individual members of the committee or staff, will not be entertained during the public comment period but may be provided in writing to

The workshop will be available to attend via livestream on the event webpage. Please register today to receive updates as they are made available.

From our Blog

Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash
Blog posted on July 9, 2020
HEFN is pleased to welcome Leslie Hatfield, GRACE Communications Foundation, and Anuja Mendiratta, Philanthropic + Nonprofit Consulting, to the Steering Committee.

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