August 2015

A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
Brian Byrd and Dana LaVenture
August 3, 2015 by Dana LaVenture and Brian Byrd
At P.S. 51, an elementary school in the Bronx that was sited in a former lamp factory, children had been reporting assorted illnesses over the years. Testing at P.S. 51 revealed dangerous levels of toxins, but parents weren't informed for more than six months; when a report was finally released to the community, it was too technical to be properly understood. To help redress this problem, the New York State Health Foundation (NYSHealth) awarded a grant to New York Lawyers for the Public Interest to reach out to P.S. 51 and other school districts to offer training, assistance, and educational materials to help parents advocate for improvements to school siting policies and practices.

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Steering Committee Member
Cynthis is the Senior Program Consultant, Climate & Environment Program. Pronouns: she, her, hers. Cynthia is the principal and CEO at Civis Consulting LLC, a consulting firm launched in 2012 to support philanthropic institutions and community-based...

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