January 2016

A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
Lead Levels Graphic
Clean drinking water is a health essential, but too often not people’s reality. This post explores what the unfolding story in Flint Michigan is revealing about environmental health hazards, as well as what it's catalyzing in philanthropy to improve environmental conditions for healthy living.
HEFN's 2015 Year in Review image
This post reviews highlights of HEFN's largely behind-the-scenes work in philanthropy in 2015, aimed at powering up a dynamic field that’s safeguarding public health, social equity, and environmental quality.

Who We Are

Steering Committee Member
Cynthis is the Senior Program Consultant, Climate & Environment Program. Pronouns: she, her, hers. Cynthia is the principal and CEO at Civis Consulting LLC, a consulting firm launched in 2012 to support philanthropic institutions and community-based...

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