March 2018

A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
March 21, 2018 by The John Merck Fund Trustees
This post is a tribute letter from the Trustees of the John Merck Fund, expressing their gratitude to Andy Igrejas, National Campaign Director of the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition, for his “superb skills and devotion to mission” over years of effort for a safer, healthier world for all.
Willow tree over water
March 19, 2018 by Michael Lerner
What does the future look like? Michael Lerner, President of the Jenifer Altman Foundation and the Barbara Smith Fund, and HEFN co-founder, reflects upon seeking the path to courage in the face of prospects for global and regional collapse and resilience in the near future.
Climate change is impacting many natural and human systems that are critical for supporting human health such as agriculture, infrastructure, and the economy. Nearly eighty funders from different fields convened in Detroit, Michigan, to explore these interconnections among climate change, health, and social equity interests at the “Charting a Climate, Health, and Equity Agenda” meeting in November.

Who We Are

Steering Committee Member
The Founder of Philanthropic + Nonprofit Consulting, Anuja works with foundations, donors, affinity groups and nonprofits on a range of critical environmental, gender, racial, social justice, and cross-movement intersectional issues.

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