Giving InSight

Kalan and Mandela
HEFN member Heeten Kalan remembers late South African President Nelson Mandela and reflects on the inspiration he's drawn from the leader over the years.
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What can six funder groups learn by exploring without focusing on their narrow issue boundaries? A lot! In this blog post, a recap of the December 2013 San Joaquin Valley funder tour in California.
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Lake HEFN AM ppt 10-29-13
A brief recap of the most talked about resources from HEFN's 2013 Annual Meeting, Power of People: Moving Hearts, Minds, & Policy to Win.
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mother and child census
December 2, 2013 by Gina McCarthy, Elena Rios
This is a re-post from EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and National Hispanic Medical Association President & CEO Elena Rios that places protection of children's health and reducing disparities into a broad environmental health context.
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In the spirit of Thanksgiving, HEFN staff send out a big thank you to all of our members, colleagues and friends -- and especially to some HEFN heroes for their leadership and service.
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