Children’s Health

A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
Image by athree23 from Pixabay
As 2020 winds down, HEFN wishes a fond farewell to Steering Committee leaders whose terms end this year, and extends deepest gratitude for the myriad contributions they’ve made to the HEFN community.
As the unprecedented challenges of the past year overflow into 2021, HEFN is deeply grateful for the unwavering support of the environmental health and justice community that supported its work in 2020.
Ansje Miller, HEFN's new executive director, relects upon her first HEFN annual meeting as the organization rounds out its 20th year, and invites the HEFN community to reflect and take stock of where we want to go from here.
If health advocates want to make serious headway in protecting children from the lifelong effects of lead poisoning, they must get both public- and private-sector buy-in and develop solutions that work for all, including landlords. Leaders in Cleveland, Ohio...
Children Playing
A new Lead Funders Action Network brings together national, regional, state, and local foundations who are working collaboratively and strategically to address gaps in the field of childhood lead poisoning and make philanthropic investments more synergistic...
Smell Pittsburgh App
Over the past several years, the Environment & Health Program at The Heinz Endowments has prioritized work to help the Pittsburgh region become truly livable. But it is hard to imagine how a city with dirty air, a notably toxic built environment, safe...
Lead Summit
Question: When is achieving 97 percent of a goal not good enough? Answer: When the unfinished 3 percent represents over half a million lead poisoned children. Just as America has set other big goals, we must return to the “forgotten but not gone” tragedy of...
Flint Lead Poisoning Image - Flint Water Tower
With the widespread media coverage of Flint, Michigan’s water crisis, cities, advocacy groups, and philanthropy have adjusted their assumption that the country’s laws and infrastructure assure the public safe and healthy drinking water. In response, the...
Lead Levels Graphic
Clean drinking water is a health essential, but too often not people’s reality. This post explores what the unfolding story in Flint Michigan is revealing about environmental health hazards, as well as what it's catalyzing in philanthropy to improve...
Brian Byrd and Dana LaVenture
At P.S. 51, an elementary school in the Bronx that was sited in a former lamp factory, children had been reporting assorted illnesses over the years. Testing at P.S. 51 revealed dangerous levels of toxins, but parents weren't informed for more than six months...


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Who We Are

Director of Programs
As the Director of Programs at the Health and Environmental Funders Network, Kalila leads the design, execution, and evaluation of HEFN’s programs, and support HEFN’s outreach and communications with members and in the broader philanthropic sector.

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