Giving InSight

A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
March 4, 2013 by Jon Cracknell
A blog post on summarizing the key findings on NGO and philanthropic activity surrounding fracking from HEFN's Fracking Survey 2012.
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Forsythia logo
February 25, 2013 by Alison Carlson
HEFN member Ruth Hennig shares her thoughts on why philanthropy struggles to attract and retain funders to environmental health issues, and what it can do to change that in this Giving InSight blog post.
Tags: Investing
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Safe Chemicals Act Gillibrand
February 18, 2013 by Ruth Hennig
An interview with Grantmakers In Health's new President and CEO Faith Mitchell. Faith shares her plans for GIH, visions for health philanthropy, and opportunities for collaboration on health determinants and disparities.
Tags: Metrics
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An interview with Grantmakers In Health's new President and CEO Faith Mitchell. Faith shares her plans for GIH, visions for health philanthropy, and opportunities for collaboration on health determinants and disparities.
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February 4, 2013 by Pete Myers, Karen Peabody O'Brien
Karen Peabody O'Brien and Pete Myers share news about TiPED, a new screening tool to help chemists design chemicals that are safer for people and the planet.
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Who We Are

Steering Committee Member
The Founder of Philanthropic + Nonprofit Consulting, Anuja works with foundations, donors, affinity groups and nonprofits on a range of critical environmental, gender, racial, social justice, and cross-movement intersectional issues.

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