Giving InSight

A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
Climate change is impacting many natural and human systems that are critical for supporting human health such as agriculture, infrastructure, and the economy. Nearly eighty funders from different fields convened in Detroit, Michigan, to explore these interconnections among climate change, health, and social equity interests at the “Charting a Climate, Health, and Equity Agenda” meeting in November.
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Lake image, clean and safe drinking water
February 16, 2018 by Wade Crowfoot, Chief Executive Officer, The Water Foundation
In practice, the quality of drinking water varies greatly depending on where the water comes from and what system delivers it. In essence, where a person lives in the U.S. can define whether the water that he or she receives is clean and safe. In fact, millions of Americans suffer from a lack of clean and safe drinking water. Read how foundations can and should lead the way to tackle this public health crisis.
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It was a year of change, as HEFN helped funders respond to new challenges while steadily progressing in work to mobilize philanthropy for environmental health and justice solutions. With appreciation to all of our members, partners, and colleagues, here’s a snapshot of HEFN’s work in 2017.
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Photo by on Unsplash
As the HEFN staff revs up for 2018, we are grateful for the opportunity to work with this phenomenal grantmaking community, at a time when mobilizing resources for health, the environment, and equity matters more than ever. Recognizing the talents, wisdom, and energy of HEFN’s members is a reminder of our collective strength and potential. So here’s a hearty THANK YOU to everyone who has stepped up and pitched in to provide critical leadership through HEFN's Steering Committee for this network.
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Tree-shaped word cloud of 2017 HEFN Annual Meeting
We asked funders who attended HEFN’s 2017 Annual Meeting on “Rewriting the Rules” to share their top takeaways in a post-meeting survey. The myriad thoughtful responses ranged from the pointed – “Flint still has a water crisis” -- to the poignant – “It is incredibly frightening the trajectory of increased health and environmental threats that will be growing under the current political and economic paradigm and the people in the room give me HOPE” – to the poetic – “Funders need to learn how to dance.”
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Who We Are

Steering Committee Member
Dr. Ann Blake combines thirty years of experience finding safer chemicals and materials in over a dozen different global sectors of consumer product manufacturing with her passion for economic and environmental justice and systems approaches to the task of...

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