
A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
Heeten Kalan
Heeten Kalan, Senior Program Officer at the New World Foundation and HEFN Steering Committee member, authored this week's blog post. In it, he reflects on the philosophies of Martin Luther King Jr. and Mohandas Gandhi, and the potential for philanthropy to...
Vanessa Daniel
Vanessa Daniel of the Groundswell Fund and Phil Johnson of the Heinz Endowments reflect HEFN’s 2012 Annual Meeting on how philanthropy can overpower polluter influence to win healthier conditions for people and the environment.
Lauren Davis, Program Associate for the 11th Hour Project, explains how the 11th Hour Project evolved to see its work on fracking through a human rights lens.
An interview with our colleagues at the Environmental Grantmakers Association. Rachel Leon and Franny Canfield share insights from EGA's latest grants tracking report, Tracking the Field, and what it tells us about environmental health philanthropy.
Making the case for why friendly disagreement among funders can often lead to successful collaboration.
An introduction to HEFN's new report, "Drilling Deeper: Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing and Related Grantmaking Strategies," and details on why fracking has caught the attention of many in the philanthropic community.
HEFN Director Kathy Sessions discusses the questions she hears most often about philanthropic investment in environmental health and justice work: how much is there, where is it going, where does it come from, and whether it is increasing or decreasing.


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Who We Are

Steering Committee Member
Ryan Strode is the Senior Program Officer for Climate Equity at the Builders Initiative. Ryan has spent more than a decade in environmental philanthropy, most recently as the Program Director for Philanthropy at the Franciscan Sisters of Mary (FSM), a faith-...

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