
A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
This post is a tribute letter from the Trustees of the John Merck Fund, expressing their gratitude to Andy Igrejas, National Campaign Director of the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition, for his “superb skills and devotion to mission” over years of...
Ruth Hennig
HEFN and this funder community are deeply grateful for Ruth Hennig’s many contributions to the environmental health movement. Here are Ruth’s reflections and advice as she prepares to move on after almost 30 years with the John Merck Foundation and step down...
President Obama signs the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act last year.
The story of last year’s passage of the first major piece of new environmental legislation in 20 years, the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, is much like the story of almost any new legislation. Among advocates, we saw courageous...
Senators Udall and Vitter
On June 7, Congress passed the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, potentially the most important new, non-energy-related environmental law in a generation. Whether this reform of the forty-year-old Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA...
Phyllis Omido, 2015 Goldman Prize Winner
This blog highlights recent awards recognizing innovative environmental health and justice contributions and champions.
Screenshot of Senate Committee Channel
Advocates and funders have been investing in an overhaul of U.S. chemicals policy for over a decade, but the next few months will be critical. This blog post provides a HEFN staff perspective on the unfolding chapter in the story of reforming America’s...
Graphic illustration of North Dakota wells if they were above ground
It’s much easier to understand and tackle problems we can see. Often a very real health threat from some environmental condition is not getting the attention it deserves because it’s hard to see. But people are finding many creative ways to make...
You may have heard post-election predictions that trade agreements are one of the only topics on which the President and the Republicans think they can find common ground. In fact, the proposed trade deals are about a lot more than “trade,” and they would be...
David Fukuzawa, Cecilia Estolano and Miya Yoshitani at HEFN 2014 Annual Meeting
“We have faith in a different vision of 2029, because we have witnessed our own power to change the future.” These encouraging words from Michele Prichard of the Liberty Hill Foundation opened and framed HEFN’s 2014 annual meeting, Fifteen Forward:...
What do people organizing for environmental justice, advocating for healthier housing and building materials, mapping hotspots of pollution and poverty, or monitoring impacts of oil and gas production have in common? They’re all creatively using data-sharing...


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Who We Are

Leslie Hatfield
Steering Committee Member
Leslie is the senior partnership and outreach advisor at GRACE Communications Foundation, where she advises internally and collaborates with like-minded funders and non-government organizations on strategies, movement building, grantmaking and meeting...

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