Giving InSight

A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
September 15, 2020 by Ansje Miller
At a time when health philanthropy and all it supports are so pandemic-stressed, it may seem counterintuitive to focus on racial justice and climate action. But we and many colleagues believe that, in order to strengthen responses to the pressing crises we face, we must consider some converging determinants of health—racism, climate change, and COVID-19—together. Doing so is essential, not just for crisis management, but also for building resilient systems and infrastructure that enable everyone, particularly Black, Indigenous, and people of color communities, to breathe.
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Photo by Shounen21 on Unsplash
August 11, 2020 by Jennie Curtis
Jennie Curtis, the Executive Director of the Garfield Foundation, reflects back on the organization's 15 years of experience developing systems-informed collaborations as a solid strategy for understanding and shifting the root causes of complex problems and, ultimately, creating healthier outcomes for people and the planet.
Tags: toxics
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Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash
HEFN is pleased to welcome Leslie Hatfield, GRACE Communications Foundation, and Anuja Mendiratta, Philanthropic + Nonprofit Consulting, to the Steering Committee.
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Sonoma Coast Cliff
March 6, 2020 by Michael Lerner
Michael Lerner, co-founder and chair emeritus of HEFN, and president of the Jenifer Altman Foundation and Commonweal, shares how we can move beyond fear with the emergence of the coronavirus, and toward hope for the survival of love, wisdom, and compassion for others and for the world.
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Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
HEFN enters 2020 energized to sustain the momentum and accomplishments from the past year and offers sincere thanks to the dedicated community that championed and supported the network’s accomplishments in 2019.
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Who We Are

Steering Committee Member
As Founder of the Healthy Building Network (2000-2022), he oversaw the development and launch of the Pharos Project, a non-profit database providing the most robust hazard, use, and exposure information on over 200,000 chemicals and building products. Today...

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