
A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
Environmental Grantmakers Association Executive Director Rachel Leon talks about the rising risk of extreme weather events and rising tides caused by climate change in this commentary for Earth Day 2013.
Sandy volunteers Rockaway Waterfront Alliance
April 29, 2013 marks six months since Hurricane Sandy devastated the New York and New Jersey shorelines. HEFN Communications Associate Lauren Linville outlines opportunities, challenges, and advice HEFN has heard from the field for philanthropy in this blog...
Dodge Foundation Sandy
Margaret Waldock of the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation in New Jersey reflects on life after Sandy and shares how the Dodge Foundation and other philanthropists are helping New Jersey rebuild smarter and stronger.
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Steering Committee Member
Ryan Strode is the Senior Program Officer for Climate Equity at the Builders Initiative. Ryan has spent more than a decade in environmental philanthropy, most recently as the Program Director for Philanthropy at the Franciscan Sisters of Mary (FSM), a faith-...

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