Giving InSight

A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
HEFN's 2018 Year in Review
In counterpoint to weakening national environmental and public health safeguards, in 2018 HEFN and its funder community drew philanthropic resources into power-building for environmental health and environmental justice. With appreciation to all of its members, partners, and colleagues, here’s a snapshot of HEFN’s work in 2018.
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Field Partner Darryl Molina Sarmiento, Communities for a Better Environment
What more – or different – actions can funders and a funder group take to build multiracial majorities strong enough to protect environmental health and justice? HEFN dove into this question through both learning and culture change at its 2018 Annual Meeting, “The Environmental Health and Justice Majority: Raising Voices, Building Power.” (Pictured: Marisla Foundation Field Partner, Darryl Molina Sarmiento, Communities for a Better Environment. Photo by Annie O'Sullivan Photography)
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Colorful welcome on brick wall
Shorey Myers, Executive Director of the Jenifer Altman Foundation and HEFN Steering Committee member, extends a personal invitation to funders to attend this year's HEFN Annual Meeting from Nov. 28-30 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to strategize, network and be inspired by the collective work to mobilize philanthropy around environmental health and justice solutions.
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HEFN steering committee member, Carolyn Fine Friedman, shares how a personal interest in environmental health work was amplified through grantees of the Fine Fund who contributed to a multi-year effort that led to The Home Depot eliminating toxics from four of its product categories.
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America Pittsburgh Bridge
September 18, 2018 by Fred Brown
Fred Brown, President and CEO of The Forbes Funds, explains how connecting with the Cancer Free Economy Network has helped create, expand, and enhance local Pittsburgh initiatives to create a Global City that serves the health and well-being of its people.
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Who We Are

Steering Committee Member
The Founder of Philanthropic + Nonprofit Consulting, Anuja works with foundations, donors, affinity groups and nonprofits on a range of critical environmental, gender, racial, social justice, and cross-movement intersectional issues.

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