
A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
Reflections and takeaways on the "Power of Voice" - the theme of Grantmakers In Health's 2014 Annual Meeting - in this blog post.
Charleston Gazette headlines:  Pregnant?  Bottled H2O recommended
In this guest post, Vanessa Daniel of the Groundswell Fund challenges funders to see the crisis in West Virginia as an opportunity to strengthen philanthropy and the state's grassroots power.
I’ve often heard colleagues describe philanthropy as “more of an art than a science.” My first career was in the arts – modern dance – and when making a dance, two minutes of material can take two weeks to generate. Collaboration is key; the end product is a...
President Jimmy Carter, Gibbs, and Congressman John Lafalce
Lois Gibbs – concerned mother turned environmental health organizer, advocate and philanthropic advisor – looks back at 35 years since Love Canal. And forward to greater philanthropic support for community organizing to protect health.
Ramtin and Kim Wasserman Goldman reception
This blog post applauds this year's Goldman Environmental Prize winners, the world's biggest award for grassroots environmental heros, including North America winner Kim Wasserman Nieto who shared her community organizing work for cleaner air, climate justice...
Marketplace headline
If changing demographics are pointing to deeper support for the environment among people of color and younger voters, then why does environmental philanthropy feel so embattled right now? HEFN Director Kathy Sessions explores the challenges and opportunities...
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Member Engagement and Communications Manager
GlenAndrea Brown recently joined the HEFN team in November 2022 as the Member Engagement and Communications Manager. In this role she will be responsible for implementing a ladder of engagement strategies, relationship building, communications and...

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