Environment (Air, Water, Land)

A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
Pittsburgh Riverfront - Photo Credit Mark Perrott
Catastrophes like the Flint water crisis could happen in Pittsburgh, if we ignore the needs of our community and believe that public health and prosperity cannot go hand-in-hand. Heinz Endowments President Grant Oliphant writes about why Flint matters and how...
Lead Levels Graphic
Clean drinking water is a health essential, but too often not people’s reality. This post explores what the unfolding story in Flint Michigan is revealing about environmental health hazards, as well as what it's catalyzing in philanthropy to improve...
Phyllis Omido, 2015 Goldman Prize Winner
This blog highlights recent awards recognizing innovative environmental health and justice contributions and champions.
Image: Andre J Jacskon/Detroit Free Press via Associated Press
Rapidly escalating fossil fuel development is posing new threats to the Great Lakes region. Left unchecked, a surge in oil and gas development in the bi-national Great Lakes could reverse recent gains made in the basin, as well as threaten public safety and...
Graphic illustration of North Dakota wells if they were above ground
It’s much easier to understand and tackle problems we can see. Often a very real health threat from some environmental condition is not getting the attention it deserves because it’s hard to see. But people are finding many creative ways to make...
You may have heard post-election predictions that trade agreements are one of the only topics on which the President and the Republicans think they can find common ground. In fact, the proposed trade deals are about a lot more than “trade,” and they would be...
David Fukuzawa, Cecilia Estolano and Miya Yoshitani at HEFN 2014 Annual Meeting
“We have faith in a different vision of 2029, because we have witnessed our own power to change the future.” These encouraging words from Michele Prichard of the Liberty Hill Foundation opened and framed HEFN’s 2014 annual meeting, Fifteen Forward:...
What do people organizing for environmental justice, advocating for healthier housing and building materials, mapping hotspots of pollution and poverty, or monitoring impacts of oil and gas production have in common? They’re all creatively using data-sharing...
Photo of Amy Solomon at Torres del Paine
Recently Amy Solomon stepped away from her program officer position at the Bullitt Foundation. In this blog post, Amy answers questions she'd been asked – or had asked herself – and she shares her reflections on her twelve years at the Foundation, on...
Climate change is hot. In the news, that is. But visibility isn’t enough. So far the climate movement has struggled to build enough public support and political will for real climate solutions. Health and social justice funders and their grantees have an...


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Who We Are

Director of Programs
As the Director of Programs at the Health and Environmental Funders Network, Kalila leads the design, execution, and evaluation of HEFN’s programs, and support HEFN’s outreach and communications with members and in the broader philanthropic sector.

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