Environment (Air, Water, Land)

A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
I’ve often heard colleagues describe philanthropy as “more of an art than a science.” My first career was in the arts – modern dance – and when making a dance, two minutes of material can take two weeks to generate. Collaboration is key; the end product is a...
HEFN Director Kathy Sessions recaps environmental health and justice-related highlights from the Environmental Grantmakers Association's 2013 Fall Retreat in New Orleans.
After over 10 years of working on mercury pollution, the Garfield Foundation celebrates the Minamata Convention on Mercury, an international treaty that will create substantial reductions in global mercury pollution. Jennie Curtis, Executive Director of the...
HEFN's 2013 Annual Meeting is quickly approaching. In this blog post, HEFN Director Karla Fortunato outlines seven reasons this year's Annual Meeting is a can't-miss event for funders of environmental health and environmental justice.
A Win for the Environment, A Win for Democracy: the Case for Collaboration is a new report from the Money in Politics Working Group of the Funders Committee for Civic Participation. Alex Russell, Director of the working group, shares highlights from the paper...
HEFN's blog, Giving InSight, turns one this month! In this blog post, HEFN staffers take a look back on some notable posts and on our goals for blogging.
Gina McCarthy Remarks Harvard
A recap of recent federal activity on environmental health and justice issues ranging from a Senate hearing on toxics reform to an Executive Order on chemical facility safety and security.
The meeting theme for HEFN's 2013 Annual Meeting will dive deep into demography to explore how the rising American electorate could strengthen the environmental health and justice movement. This blog post offers a preview of the topics, issues, and strategies...
HEFN Program Manager Ramtin Arablouei attended the 2013 Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders (SAFSF) 2013 Forum between June 25-27. He summarizes his takeaways on health, the environment, fracking, and movement building from the Forum in this blog...
Environmental Grantmakers Association Executive Director Rachel Leon talks about the rising risk of extreme weather events and rising tides caused by climate change in this commentary for Earth Day 2013.


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Steering Committee Member
As Founder of the Healthy Building Network (2000-2022), he oversaw the development and launch of the Pharos Project, a non-profit database providing the most robust hazard, use, and exposure information on over 200,000 chemicals and building products. Today...

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