Strategic Plan

HEFN's 2016-2026 Strategic Plan

Our 10-year strategic plan was co-created with staff and steering committee members in 2015 and informs all of HEFN’s internal and external activities, serving as a guide for how we navigate the sector.


Our mission is to mobilize philanthropy to accelerate solutions for environmental health and justice by supporting and growing a community of grantmakers to build knowledge, leadership, and power for environmental health and justice.


Build a Powerful Base of Support

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Embed environmental health and justice in key decisions.
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Ensure those impacted have a meaningful voice in decision making.
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Improve environmental health outcomes, especially for the most vulnerable.


HEFN Works with Funders, Donors, and Partners

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Advance Solutions
  • Help funders understand major environmental health and justice problems.
  • Support funder collaboration to accelerate problem-solving.
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Build Leadership
  • Focus philanthropy on supporting a more powerful leadership base for environmental health and justice.
  • Increase grants to grassroots organizations and efforts led by people of color, women, low-income people, and young people.
  • Bolster philanthropy champions for environmental health and justice.
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Expand Investment
  • Double philanthropy commitments and leverage equivalent investments from outside philanthropy.
  • Intensify outreach and communications to attract new allies and resources.