Resources: Black Lives and Racial Justice Matter Every Day

HEFN offers the following resources in support of opportunities to be a funder ally for Black lives and racial justice every day.

Upcoming Webinars

Action and Communications

M4BL Week of Action In Defense of Black Lives, June 1-2, 2020.

Environmental Groups Stand in Solidarity with Movement for Black Lives Demands/Week of Action

Funders for Justice, A national network of funders increasing resources to grassroots organizations addressing the intersection of racial justice, gender justice, community safety, and policing.

Messaging This Moment: Mobilizing Our Base and Persuading the Middle on Policing, Protest and Racial, Messaging Guide (Race-Class Narrative Action and ASO Communications)

Community Conversation – How Foundations and Nonprofits Can Communicate About Racial Injustice, The Communications Network, Responding to Racial Injustice Virtual Roundtable

Working document for scaffolding anti-racism resources. Created by Princeton Theological Seminary graduate students to facilitate growth for white people to become allies, and eventually accomplices for anti-racist work.


HEFN Member Statements in Support of Racial Justice

As You Sow Foundation

California Endowment

California Wellness Foundation

ClimateWorks Foundation

The Heinz Endowments

Joyce Foundation

Kresge Foundation

Liberty Hill Foundation

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Rockefeller Brothers Fund

W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Wallace Global Fund

Water Foundation

William Penn Foundation      

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