
A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
A Win for the Environment, A Win for Democracy: the Case for Collaboration is a new report from the Money in Politics Working Group of the Funders Committee for Civic Participation. Alex Russell, Director of the working group, shares highlights from the paper...
HEFN Steering Committee Member Carolyn Fine Friedman muses on overcoming the undue influence of money in politics to advance better environmental health protections and shares her motivation for joining a donor collaborative to that end.
Sarah Christensen and Roger Kim FCCP 2013
How can environmental health and justice values and voices have more impact in the democratic process? Read HEFN's four takeaways from the Funders Committee on Civic Participation spring convening in this blog post.
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Development and Operations Director
Kojo Spencer has more than two decades of development experience specializing in proposal writing, grants and relationship management, and strategic development for national, regional and community-based organizations.

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