children's environmental health

A Blog for and about Funders Focused on Health and the Environment
Lead Summit
Question: When is achieving 97 percent of a goal not good enough? Answer: When the unfinished 3 percent represents over half a million lead poisoned children. Just as America has set other big goals, we must return to the “forgotten but not gone” tragedy of...
Brian Byrd and Dana LaVenture
At P.S. 51, an elementary school in the Bronx that was sited in a former lamp factory, children had been reporting assorted illnesses over the years. Testing at P.S. 51 revealed dangerous levels of toxins, but parents weren't informed for more than six months...
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Who We Are

Development and Operations Director
Kojo Spencer has more than two decades of development experience specializing in proposal writing, grants and relationship management, and strategic development for national, regional and community-based organizations.

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