clean green 2013

Clean & Green 2013

adminGiving InSight

Lots of people resolve to get healthier in a new year, but some find it hard to stick to their resolutions.  I think the best resolutions, whether on health or something else, are just about picking changes we are actually motivated to make, and ones we know we can achieve by steadily focusing energy for months.

HEFN’s resolutions for 2013 are about things we plan to focus energy on so that everyone can live in healthy environments.   We are aiming at big goals and fundamental changes, not quick fixes.  Some are well within reach, others not easy to achieve.  But they will be fun to tackle, and well worth the effort.   Here are some of our resolutions to make everyone’s lives more clean and green during 2013:

Resolved:  We will sustain philanthropy’s support for fights to make chemicals safer for families and the environment.  HEFN will work with funders supporting policy campaigns, market shifts, base-building, and investments in green chemistry.

Resolved:  We will make it easier for philanthropy to help communities assess and address local environmental health and justice challenges.  HEFN plans to work with place-focused partners on grantmaker resources to aid investment in healthier conditions where people live, work and play.

Resolved:  We will help funders concerned about fracking strengthen awareness and action on adverse health, environmental, and community impacts.   HEFN will support funders in learning and working together across affected states and in amplifying environmental health values in decisions about climate and energy issues.

Resolved:  We will help funders who value public health, environmental protection, and social equity to connect across various issues and geographies.  HEFN will provide space for funders to learn, network, and collaborate – and to help their grantee communities connect for greater collective impact.

Resolved:  We will engage more funders and donors in grantmaking to make people healthier, environments greener, and citizens and communities more engaged.  HEFN will work with funder group partners and through expanded social media, to build philanthropic awareness and investment in environmental health and environmental justice.

HEFN’s member foundations tend to focus on places where people are most vulnerable, on pollutants or activities that are harming public health and the environment.  That makes it really easy to be highly motivated to work on issues like toxics or dirty energy.    We also have seen so many results from our members’ investment and collaboration – from local successes, policy wins and marketplace shifts to science discoveries, advocacy base-building and public engagement – that we know big changes are within reach.   We are excited about the roles HEFN can play in philanthropy to help maximize the impact of grantmaking, for a cleaner, greener 2013.

And we look forward to conversations on this blog and in other venues:  what do you resolve?

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